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How To Print Your Card



Step 1

Right Click on Picture ( Card )
A menu will pop open

Then Left click on open image in new window


Step 2

Now at the top of your browser you will see a new Tab
Left click on the tab and you will see your card

Now at the top left corner of your browser you will see
these triple lines left click on them
Now scroll down and left click " Print "

Step 3

Now you are ready to print your card

Left Click On Print

Then Left click on ( More Settings ) on Menu

Scroll down and set Margins To > ( Custom )

You should see a dotted line around you card
Go to the bottom of the line and left click on it and hold down your mouse button
Drag the line up until the card just fits in the dotted lines.
The best thing is to type in these numbers in the Boxes
Top 0.15 Bottom 5.5
Then left click Print
Your Card Will Print...


Watch the Video on how to cut/trim your " Card With Stand "

Seems like a lot but once you do it once it all becomes simple...
Just do one I know you will be back for more when you see how " Easy It Is "


Play Video To See How To Cut/Trim Your Free Card With Stand


Enjoy Your FREE Card



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